Our journey started in 2006 when we discovered the “lifelong learning” programmes offered by the Northern University of Malaysia (UUM). Since then, as part of the Northern Business Academy we have partnered with other public universities such as University of Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and University Science of Malaysia (USM) and overseas centres of excellence (e.g., Bordeaux Business School (France).
From our collective and wide experience, we have observed that the University-Industry partnership benefits working adults to gain skills, confidence, accelerated lifelong learning experience, and improve their career objectives.
Our business model is to design specific curriculums for working adults / busy professionals and match their former education, training, and experience to benefit the industry and academia by upskilling and re-skilling in short time frames to meet the specific needs of the employer and industry.
In 2024, we have commenced training the workforce in mental health and other relevant self-improvement courses and consultancy services. Our organization is registered with Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp). Please see other programmes and services we offer.
To achieve our goals, we aim to:
Specializes in providing extensive training and consultation services focused on enhancing mental wellbeing within your organization.
Specializes in providing extensive training and consultation services focused on enhancing mental wellbeing within your organization.
Business Hours 9.00pm to 5.00pm
Prof Sitharthan is an experienced Senior Clinical Psychologist and Educator / Trainer who has worked in the broad area of Mental Health and Health Promotion.
He received his training in Clinical Psychology from the University of Sydney (1985). He has extensive experience in leadership roles across a range of large organizations. His former titles include Senior Clinical Psychologist (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital), Clinical Associate Professor (University of Sydney), Director of Clinical Programs Development (WSAHS), Professor of Clinical and Health Psychology (UWS), and Honorary Professor with the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney.
He has visited the following Centers of Excellence to further his clinical, teaching, training, and research skills: Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore), Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (Toronto), Harvard University (Boston), Addiction Research Foundation (Toronto), Research Institute on Addictions (NY), and University of Hawaii.
Based on his vast experience over many years, Prof Sitharthan has been conducting training programs that are Evidence Based, Cost-Effective, and Culturally Relevant, mainly to students & trainees from health sciences, social sciences, education, and the workforce.
As a researcher he has received over $6.5 million in grants and has published in several International and Australian professional Journals which have a High Impact Factor , e.g., “Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology”, “Addiction”, “Journal of Affective Disorders”, “Cochrane Review”, “Current Opinion in Psychiatry”, “Behavior Therapy”, “Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry”, “Journal of Clinical Psychology”, “Australasian Science”, “Drug and Alcohol Dependence”, etc. Details available upon request.
Prof Sitharthan is passionate about planning and disseminating clinical training programs and projects to reduce the burden of mental illness AND promote mental wellness in developing nations, and assist local agencies to apply for grants from funding organizations.
He has trained health practitioners from developing nations and has received funds from the Government of Australia (AusAID grants), for e.g.:
(1) Reduce infant mortality – “Building Bridges: A program to reduce infant mortality”. (AusAID: $ $13,247).
(2) Improving Maternal Health – “Making a difference: A pilot leadership development program to promote maternal and child health in Myanmar”. (AusAID: $238,740).
(3) Reducing HIV – “Mapping for change: From government to grassroots to reduce the spread of HIV”. (AusAID: $416,311).
Prof Sitharthan is passionate about disseminating health related information to the public. To-date, he has presented over 250 media interviews (in print media, radio, and TV); some examples: Sydney Morning Herald (17 August ’87), Sydney Morning Herald (30 March 1995), Daily Telegraph (13 June 1998), Australian Financial Review (23 August 2005), The Age (1 October 2005), Sydney Morning Herald (8 December 2005), Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 2008), Prevention Magazine (12 January 2011), Sydney Morning Herald (12 February 2011), The Age (31 December 2012), Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 2010), ABC TV 7.30 Report (9 May 2012). Details available upon request.
He has been an invited speaker at international conferences and professional meetings (over 150 presentations) in Australia and overseas (Norway, Canada, USA, Denmark, Mexico, India, Myanmar, and Malaysia).
PhD (University of Sydney), M. Psych. (University of Sydney); M.Phil. M.A. (Hons) (Uni. Madras).